The Holocaust did not happen overnight; nor did it occur in a vacuum. It was the result of a slow shift in definition of what were already understood and accepted concepts of good and evil. The Holocaust, therefore, was possible not because Hitler was a charismatic speaker or a cruel dictator, but because so much of his party’s intellectual and therefore ethical construct was already familiar to the people of Europe. As a result, the people of Germany and the many Nazi party members and soldiers were not deficient in moral sensibilities nor were they quintessentially evil or brutal people; they were in fact ethically sensitive. For them such deeds were simply no longer understood as evil. Herein lies the need for comprehensive Holocaust education. Through a thought-provoking study of the Holocaust and the social environment that led to it students can learn to counteract ignorance, brutality, and contempt fostered by intolerance as well as recognize the importance in following a moral compass that elevates the individual and the democratic values that nurture such a society.
The Holocaust Education Symposium elevates, empowers, and enlightens classroom teachers and civic leaders through general and break-out sessions led by Holocaust survivors or their descendants and experienced classroom teachers just like them to become advocates for academic integrity, democratic values, truth, historical accuracy, and compassionate communities in their schools.
Regular & VIP Registration is now open.
Registration is open to all educators of grades 6-12, interested parents and community leaders.
* Registration does not include costs for hotel and travel accomodations
Atlanta Georgia
The Details
The Annual Holocaust Education Symposium is an intense teacher-created/ teacher-led professional development symposium where the participants gain priceless knowledge pertaining to the complex history of the Holocaust, 2000 years of Antisemitism in Europe, the roles of imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, economics, and democracy on the sociopolitical changes in Europe and how individuals were affected by these changes and how to accurately and appropriately bring these lessons to the 6-12 classroom. At the core of it all are raw historical facts, 100% applicable meaningful age-appropriate lessons, and the support of interdisciplinary team teaching.
Symposium dates for 2026 are TBD for the end of May 2026/ start of June 2026
Are you an exceptional teacher in your subject area of English, History/Social Studies, or Artistic Electives and want to learn how to better teach the Holocaust through interdisciplinary team teaching? Or do you want to improve and grow on what you are already doing? Then this symposium is for you.
Symposium Schedule:
*Certificates of Completion will be given to all teachers at the Farewell Brunch.
In-person certificates worth 25 in-service/continuing education points
Date: TBD Location: TBA
Registration Information:
Registrations are tiered by level: see below for details regarding what each level provides.
Teachers (in-person): $52 (includes an annual membership & resource tote) *scholarships available please email:zachorshoah@gmail.com for details
Non-Teacher Registration (in-person): $180 (includes an annual membership)
Registration to reserve your seat is now open.
Registration is open to all educators of grades 6-12, interested parents and community leaders.
$52 Regular Teacher Registration
$180 non-teacher Regular Registration (non-teachers = parents, university students and community leaders).
$180 Presenters Registration
​Full registration information and costs TBA
*Registration does not include: airfare, hotel accommodations, or most meals.
Registration closes March 17, 2026!
Wait! I am a teacher how do I pay for all this?
There are a number of resources you can request assistance from. Here are just a few:
- Your Local PTA has discretionary funds for teacher professional development
-Your school's SAC Committee has even more discretionary funding for teacher professional development!
-Your school principal has their own discretionary fund for teacher professional development
-Your school district subject area coordinator has the ability to assist in funding your professional development when it is subject specific (each of our break-out sessions is subject content area specific for this purpose)
-Contact local Jewish organizations such as the Jewish Federation, local synagogues, etc. and ask for their support. Offer to
give a free lecture for their sisterhood or brotherhood meetings based on what you learn.
- Lastly, you can use crowdsourcing options like GoFundMe or DonorsChoose.
*scholarships available please email zachorshoah@gmail.com for details
DO NOT DELAY in securing your spot as in-person spots are very limited and securing resources from the list above as a teacher can take at least a school year!
Getting There

Thank you to our Partners & Sponsors!
All sponsorship donations are tax deductible.