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Coming Fall 2025
It's time to change the way we see learning.
It's time to see rigor and fun in the same lesson.
It's time to make learning more than academic - it's time to restore humanity.
It's time to bring parents and teachers together.
The Simon School - a private hybrid educational option focusing on bringing the Humanities to life in grades 6 to 8.
We focus our teaching on the Humanities. We do so by focusing on our motto -
Prudentia, Humanitas, Veritas.
Our entire curriculum seeks to understand humanity, where it did things well and when it failed itself and those around them.
In our program, children learn the importance of the individual, of community, and of our shared cultural norms. They learn to enjoy themselves while they learn; they learn to be self-disciplined in order to enjoy life; they learn that G-d is great and they learn to know Him through the stories of the Jewish Torah/Christian Old-Testament. And they learn to appreciate each other's differences by learning about the cultures of the world through food and holidays.
And we do it all through fun "club-like" lessons.
If you want to join our list of interested families for Fall 2025, please complete our form here: email us at: Email Here
Please include in your email the following information:
Parent's full name, email address, phone # and/or address, how many children you are interested in registering, what grades they will enter this school year
as well as any questions you may have.
Can we teach to our inner-child and still be rigorous?

In a word...YES!
When we teach to our inner child we focus on wonder, curiosity, discovery, innovation, creativity, problem-solving, and dare I say it... FUN!
Teaching to our inner-child does not affect rigor. Rigor comes from an expectation of deep critical thinking about the subject matter being studied, not the level of enjoyment from the study itself.
The key to doing this well is small class size coupled with a balanced approach of traditional and experiential (field trips and projects) learning along with the involvement of all our senses - we learn with our minds, bodies, and souls.

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